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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What time does the Practice Start? 

A: Gates open from 8am but Practice starts from 11am through to 4pm. 

Q: What time does the Practice Start? 

A: Gates open from 8am but Practice starts from 11am through to 4pm. 

Q: What time does the Practice Start? 

A: Gates open from 8am but Practice starts from 11am through to 4pm. 

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Q: What time does the Practice Start? 

A: Gates open from 8am but Practice starts from 11am through to 4pm. 

Q: What time does the Practice Start? 

A: Gates open from 8am but Practice starts from 11am through to 4pm. 

Q: What time does the Practice Start? 

A: Gates open from 8am but Practice starts from 11am through to 4pm. 

Q: What time does the Practice Start? 

A: Gates open from 8am but Practice starts from 11am through to 4pm. 

Q: What time does the Practice Start? 

A: Gates open from 8am but Practice starts from 11am through to 4pm. 

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